Mac OS-8.5 does not allow Control Strip modules to open dialogs in the way that previous versions of the OS did. This would cause a system freeze when the Radius SoftDV Codec Options dialog was accessed using the RadDVCodecOptions dialog.
This MacOS 8.5-compatible Control Strip module for Radius MotoDV addresses the problem.
Install it by simply dragging the Control Strip Module onto your System Folder icon. It will automatically be placed in the Control Strip Modules subfolder where it belongs.
Click OK to replace the older version of the Control Strip module and restart the system.
Note that, for EditDV's LiveDV feature to function properly, "Use SoftDV as Default DV Codec for QT3" must be selected in the Control Strip. EditDV observes settings set using the SoftDV Playback Preferences dialog for all other functions.
Change Notes:
- All options are now accessible directly from the Control Strip popup instead of the dialog box found in the older versions.
- The "nth frame playback" option is now worded more clearly.